Works on the first base side of the rubber. Doesn’t have much of a windup motion, very quick to pitch and has his throwing arm pointing down during his delivery. It’s a style that reminds me some of Tim Lincecum and looks almost like he’s hiding his hand/ball behind him. His release point is more compact than average, helping with his quick delivery. One thing you’ll notice with Tyler is that he has a bit less movement on his pitches than average, but that could be to his advantage.

Fastball – 45

Sits 94-95, touches 96. There isn’t a lot of arm side movement like we would normally see from it. It primarily shoots straight down, making it difficult for hitters to barrel up.

Sinker – 45

Sits 95-96, touches 97. He is able to tunnel it well with his 4-Seam, which have similar drops but different horizontal movements. Plays almost like a sinker-cutter hybrid as it gets glove side movement like a cutter, but the speed and break are more like a sinker.

Slider – 55

His slider plays close to the average slider. He is able to throw it harder than average though, which allows him to get the whiffs on it.

Splitter – 50

Moves a bit less than the average splitter. Looking at available Statcast data, he gets half the arm side movement than the standard splitter does. He locates right on the edges of the strike zone, though he does on occasion get too far away from it.

Command – 45

Tyler does well staying around the edge of the strike zone and getting strikes. At times, he can stay over the heart of the plate too much, but the shapes of his pitches have helped reduce the damage done.

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